Make Great Decisions. Get Great Results.™
Making great high stakes decisions is the key to business success and being a winning negotiator.
● Do you feel you are reacting more than leading? Maybe you don’t always react to people, but you react more often than you would like. If so, it’s time to commit to deliberately raising your consciousness and heal your relationships at work and at home.
● Do you walk out of negotiations feeling that you left more than you needed to on the table? If you run a business successfully, you are already good at negotiation, but would you like to move up another level in your negotiation skills by becoming more intuitive? Intuition drives the best negotiation and the highest energy wins at every single negotiation. You will learn how to be more intuitive and apply it to every negotiation.
● Do you make decisions and then feel uncomfortable when you start to second guess them? Do you feel stressed out as a leader? These two things are related. Doubts create stress and over time it takes a BIG toll. There are ways I’ll share with you that will allow you to avoid the downside of doubt.
● Do you dread walking down the halls of your company and get the kind of looks that say “You made that really bad decision last month and now I have to clean up the mess!” OK, it may not be quite that extreme, but you do recognize that your “not so great” decisions have real impact on your employees, who may spend significant amounts of time cleaning up the consequences of launching the wrong products or services, buying the wrong ad campaigns, or making the wrong hires. What if there were a way to improve your selection process and avoid the huge losses and missed opportunities that these poor decisions entail?
● Do you wonder whether your grandchild will one day sit down on your lap and ask “Was that your company the TV said went bankwwwupt? What’s that mean?” Perhaps it’s not always that dramatic, but the former CEO of Kodak is not alone in having that sort of legacy. Even a smaller local company or practice can have a major, lasting impact well after the founder is gone. You certainly want to build a strong, positive legacy and have your business make a lasting contribution.
● What if there were a way to reproducibly make high stakes decisions to avoid huge financial risks while taking advantage of great opportunities?
That sweet spot is where working with me will take you. The good news is that it is not hard!
Who Am I?
I’m David Durand, M.D. and as a physician researcher at the University of Pennsylvania and Stanford University, I discovered a molecule that forms all vertebrate heart valves and part of the nervous system and regulates the immune system.
I used that same intuitive ability to discover a method of high stakes decision making that leads to great results, because it is a reproducible process that works. So in this way, I’ve become the “Doctor of Decision Making™.” You have the opportunity to learn my proprietary approach and create both success and an enlightened company, which we all know must start at the top.
On top of all that I’ve had the practical experience as a leader in both academic medicine as the Director of Surgical Pathology at Stony Brook Medical school as well as helping prepare a private diagnostics company for IPO as part of the management team.
What are the benefits of the Lead In Presence™
Mastermind Program?
● You will make high stakes decisions successfully and avoid the big losses that occur with bad hiring decisions, wrong product or service choices, and expensive yet poorly performing ad and marketing campaign commitments. You will learn to make great decisions and feel great about them once they are made. Leadership is enjoyable when you don’t have to second guess your decisions. My approach helps leaders of both businesses and practices live happier lives at work and at home.
● You will set goals that you accomplish for your business or practice, because there’s nothing in your way. We remove the mental obstacles and you succeed.
● Procrastination will end. Accountability is an integral part of the structure you will learn and naturally leads to success.
● All of your business and client relationships will improve and impact the bottom line. Relationships can be transformed through a series of decisions.
● Your ability to negotiate successfully will be greatly improved even if you are already good at it, as you will finally know a new and powerful way to prepare for every negotiation. A successful negotiation is simply a series of INTUITIVE on-the-spot decisions. During your future negotiations, you will know what to say and when to say it better than you ever have before.
● Your health will improve as you learn my unique approach to integrative medicine should the need arise. It turns out that health is also a decision! Physical illness does not have to hold you or your organization back as we know it can.
● You will have a physician on your personal health team to guide you in making great decisions about your health. Obviously, this is a bonus I’m able to offer because of my background. This gives you access to concierge skills that normally cost thousands of dollars.
● Relationships require presence and negotiation, so your relationships with your spouse/significant other and children will improve bringing you more happiness at home and at work. You and I both know how much time is wasted in businesses because of relationship issues at home and/or at work. Just having certain employees talking about you in a negative way sends ripples of negativity through your whole company. If you go home and you have issues with your spouse, it takes a toll on the business. It does not have to be that way if you have the right tools.
● You will lead an integrated and fulfilled life, now able to make decisions in a clear, reproducible way.
My Clients Typically:
● Are already very successful but want more from life.
● Take 100% responsibility for the success of their business.
● Understand that a leader of a company or practice must make great decisions to succeed and that leading in presence is not an accident; it must be done in a purposeful way with successful tools.
● Understand that their businesses do not have to mirror the U.S. or any other economy.
● Are familiar with basic principles of decision making and conscious leadership, but have seen how corporate vision or mission statements, goal setting and some approaches to the practice of presence fall short in practice. They want new and powerful tools to make decisions in a clear and reproducible way.
● Are already very good at negotiation, but want to learn how to close deals using new methods that move them up a level and help them become truly intuitive negotiators and leaders.
What Do My Clients Say About Their Experience in This Program?
“David, it’s been a few weeks since completing your business course and I thought I’d check in to let you know that I find myself being amazed, on a daily basis, at how using your methods is positively affecting my life. Both at work and in my personal life, your approach has enabled me to be at peace through even the most stressful situations. I find myself silently applying it successfully all the time!”
Carol, Director of Business Development
A CEO’s Testimonial:
“I believe Dr David Durand showed up in my life because I was really open to finding someone that could help me channel the chaos. I have taken many, many courses from Landmark to Bob Proctor to personal business coaching. I learned a lot but they never impacted my life like working with Dr Durand. I believe he is truly enlightened with an amazing ability to work at the highest level and yet keep it simple for a very resistant ego.
David has helped me raise the level of my decision making in my business and also of the rest of my life. I’ve seen how all aspects of my life are actually connected, and we often need to address other areas to move towards my overall goals.
My relationships at work and at home are much improved. There is less conflict and greater understanding when I communicate. Before working with David, my employees felt I was too abrupt at times. My children and wife are benefiting from my work with him and even have benefited by working directly with him on their own issues.
David has worked to help employees remove blocks they had that were hindering their success in my business. If you are a business leader, you appreciate the impact that can have for your business financially and in reaching your goals when everyone is working together.
I lose my sense of presence less often and when I do, I catch it and move back to presence and make better decisions.
My business is increasing as I learned to focus my consciousness and actually accomplish my goals. Before this I had often written goals that did not become realized.
Using his highly intuitive approach he’s helped me identify the ideal clients for our company and they have shown up! I was impressed!
I have been able to drop pain from my body and relieve symptoms when all the regular and alternative medicines failed to give me relief by learning the integrative medicine work from David. David also helped an employee who was facing serious health issues deal with them on her own terms rather than being overwhelmed by the health care system.
So you can see, the work has benefited me in virtually all aspects of my business and my life. In addition, David acts as an operational “presence” for my company in maintaining a high level of consciousness in our decision making.
II have nothing but extreme gratitude for David coming into my life and helping me see how to apply the universal laws. He is always there when I need him and explains in a simple fashion how everything fits together. He possesses an intuitive nature that is hard to find.
I would suggest you consider all the things he can do for you.
Michael Jones – CEO
Comfort Keepers Home Care
Another Client’s Experience with the Program:
“Dr. David Durand taught me his methodology, known as FRP™ [one of my advanced methods], which I have put to practical use. I used it to help solve complex decision making requirements involving several valuable properties that have since been successfully sold.
I also used the methodology involving personal relationships with the methodology helping to smooth the way. It simply makes relationships much easier and more enjoyable. The methodology has helped me handle many practical applications involved in everyday life from moment to moment. In addition to learning the method, I found that the individual consultations are very helpful in many different ways. Consequently, I highly recommend Dr. Durand and his methodology.

How Do You Start?
This program is offered through a Lead In Presence™ Strategy Session. In this private and confidential session at no cost to you, we will discuss your goals and business/practice and determine whether my Lead In Presence™ Mastermind Program would be a good fit. If it is, we will schedule your 6 session one-on-one High Stakes Decision Making™ Course and get you started right away.
Your next big decision is right around the corner. I look forward to speaking with you soon.
Please contact me to set up a free Strategy Session at 424-234-6401 (please call between 9 am and 7 pm ET weekdays).
P.S. Not convinced? Before closing, let me just say that you should think twice about clicking away and not taking action. If you do, I’m sorry, but you are making a huge mistake! You are simply delaying your success in work and at home. For many of you, if you keep doing what you are doing, your health and family will be at risk. I don’t want that to happen, but I see it coming for those frozen and not willing to take action to effect real change in their consciousness.
Why am I so passionate about sharing this? Because I wish I had taken action far earlier in life than I did. When I think of the many years of wasted energy and time that I could have saved, it actually hurts me to have prospective clients not get the fact that this course is so powerfully transformative.
Please don’t wait to do this. Call me as soon as you can and get started on the rest of your life!
P.P.S. I shared this recently with a physician who then hung up without signing up. He called back 5 minutes later and told me that what I said about the huge cost of delaying action hit him between the eyes. His next words were “Please sign me up!”
He did fantastically with the course and experienced rapid transformations in his life. So call me now at 424-234-6401.
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